Trail News/ What's New?

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Lolo Trail Crossing Directory

 Lewis and Clark Trail "Re-live the Adventure"


Clearwater National Forest
12730 Highway 12
Orofino, ID  83544
Call: 208-476-4541



A Letter to Forest Visitors

The Lolo Trail Corridor holds a wealth of treasures.  It was the site of many historical events, and carries the memories of hundreds of years of American Indian use.  Two National Historic Trails - the Nez Perce and the Lewis and Clark - stretch the full length of the Lolo Trail, which is also a National Historic Landmark.  These designations require, and warrant, legal protection.  To protect these resources, Clearwater National Forest managers are committed to:

  • Use all measures possible to protect the cultural and heritage resources.

  • Minimize changes from existing conditions.  The 1930's character of the Motorway will be maintained.  No improvements that would change its primitive character will be made.  The corridor is undeveloped and will remain a self-discovery experience.