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The Legend of the Seven Devils

On the Idaho side of Hells Canyon, the Seven Devils peaks stand in a semi-circle, towering 8,000 feet above the Snake River.

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Legend Continued ...

According to Nez Perce legend,

There were once seven giant, child-eating monsters living in the Blue Mountains of Oregon.
Each year the monsters traveled eastward, devouring all the little ones they could find along the way.  The chiefs of the tribes asked Coyote to help free them from the tyranny of the seven giants.  Coyote asked his friend Fox for advice.

"We will first dig seven holes," said Fox.
Coyote called together all the animals with claws -
The next time the seven devilish monsters journeyed eastward,
 Coyote came out of his hiding place and said,
Coyote changed the seven giants into the Seven Devils Mountains,
Legend Source

Lewis and Clark Trail maps on this web site were provided courtesy of the National Park Service
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