Eastern Legacy Timeline

March 15, 1803: Leaving Washington DC,
Lewis traveled via horseback (route in gold) through the
eastern towns preparing himself for the western
expedition. Lewis attended crash
courses on botany, paleontology, navigation and
field medicine. Purchased guns, tomahawks
and knives and sent an invitation to
William Clark to co-command the

June 10, 1803: A
Conestoga wagon loaded to capacity with 3500
pounds of supplies and equipment destined for
the western expedition left Philadelphia.
At a rate of ten to twelve miles a day it
traveled through the towns of Lancaster, York,
Gettysburg and arrived at Harper's Ferry on June
28. Crossing the Appalachian
Mountains the Conestoga wagon arrived at
Pittsburgh on July 22.

31, 1803:
Keelboat completed, Lewis departs Pittsburgh
and begins his 981-mile voyage down the Ohio
14, 1803: Meriwether Lewis and
William Clark met in Louisville,
Kentucky, thus forming one of the most
famous and successful partnerships in
26, 1803:
Lewis and Clark, together with the nucleus
of the Corps of Discovery, set off down the Ohio
River from Clarksville, Indiana.





