The Lewis and Clark statue Overlooks the
Falls of the Ohio at the
Falls of the Ohio
State Park. Mounted on a 16 1/2 ton native slab
of Jeffersonville limestone that is between
350-400 million years in age, the statue reminds
visitors of the significant part Indiana and the
young men of this region played in the epic
journey known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

The story of the Lewis and
Clark Statue
Stephen E. Ambrose, historian and author of the
best-selling book, Undaunted
Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and
the Opening of the American West  
,wrote on page 117 of his acclaimed work: "When
they shook hands, the Lewis and Clark Expedition
began." He was referring to the events that
took place at the Falls of the Ohio. Ambrose's
deep booming voice echoed in the minds of Elmer
Hoehn and Phyllis Yeager. Elmer's vision was to
have a recorded history of the Bicentennial
reflecting the Falls of the Ohio as the
departure site of the Expedition. They dreamed
of having a statue bringing Ambrose's statement
to life by October 26, 2003, for the Signature
Event at the Falls of the Ohio. But it was
virtually impossible, as time was running out
and there were no funds for this project. Then,
by chance (or Lewis and Clark Luck) Phyllis met
Carol Grende in March of 2003 in Montana, and
Carol said, "I can do it." So with a
handshake...another great partnership was formed
and others enlisted to make the impossible dream
a reality.
the Sculptor
Carol (C.A.) Grende from Big Arm,
Montana, designed a series of
Lewis and Clark Sculptures inspired
by her passion for history. "To walk
in the footsteps on the original
trails of these explorers fills my
heart with honor and humbles me. I
feel so fortunate to have lived in
the West where the traces of the
past are etched into the earth."
Sculptures by the late C.A. Grende
They Shook Hands, the Lewis and
Clark Expedition Began" - Falls
of the Ohio State Park and
Interpretive Center in Clarksville,
Thomas Jefferson The Naturalist" -
Lewis and
Clark Center in Nebraska City,
"Sacajawea Arduous Journey" -Great
Falls, Montana, located in front of
the Missouri River Federal Court
"Sacajawea Arduous Journey" -Lewiston,
Idaho, in front of Sacajawea Hall,
Lewis-Clark State College.
"Sacajawea Arduous Journey" -
Dayton, Washington

last project was a War Memorial called
" We Will
Never Forget" in Kalispell, Montana




