Panoramic print "Two Medicine
Fight Site, Montana"
by Brent Phelps
Camp Disappointment
Lewis and three men from his party rode overland to
explore the Marias River. He found the headwaters three days later
and then followed the northern branch (Cut Bank River). On Cut Bank
River , east of present-day Browning, Lewis could see the river exiting
the mountains. He called this northern-most campsite of the
expedition "Camp Disappointment" since this meant the Marias did
not reach 50 degrees north latitude, which would have extended the boundry
of the Louisiana Territory.
July 26, 1806
"The morning was cloudy and continued to rain as
usual, tho' the cloud seemed somewhat thiner I therefor posponed seting
out untill 9 A.M. in the hope that it would clear off but finding the
contrary result I had the horses caught and we set out biding a lasting
adieu to this place which I now call camp disappointment" Capt.
Lewis and his party made a hasty retreat back down to
the Missouri after killing two Indians by Two Medicine River.