Travel the Lewis and Clark Trail !
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Fort Benton, Montana Directory

March 27, 2025                                                            
 Lewis and Clark Trail "Re-live the Adventure"

From the Journals of
Lewis and Clark



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Fort Peck

US Army Corps of Engineers
Fort Peck Lake
PO Box 208
Fort Peck, Montana  59223


Map (PDF)

Fort Peck, Montana- Fort Peck Dam & Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge.

The World Almanac lists Fort Peck Dam as the largest embankment dam in the United States with the fifth largest man-made reservoir. Fort Peck Dam was completed in 1937 and contains 1.25 billion cubic yards of earth, and extends four miles. Tours are offered from June – September.  
Of Special interest:
Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton was discovered at Fort Peck. 

CMR is a 1.1 million acre refuge
that contains native prairies, forested coulees, river bottoms, badlands and the 250,000 acre Fort Peck Reservoir, as well as the Missouri Breaks wilderness region. Refuge wildlife include mule and white-tailed deer, elk, bighorn sheep, antelope, coyote, bobcat, beaver, sharp-tailed grouse, numerous other species


From the Journals of Lewis and Clark  ~ May 20, 1805

"The hunters returned this eveing and informed us that the country continued much the same in appearance, and about five miles above the mouth of shell river a handsome river on the Stard. or upper side;  this stream we call Sah - ca - ger we - ah or bird woman's River, after our interpreter the Snake woman".




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