Missouri Headwaters State Park |
Missouri Headwaters State Park (state park), Montana, United States
Headwaters State Park is located 4 miles northeast of Three Forks, off
of Hwy 205, then onto Hwy 286
The Headwaters State Park is a hiking/bicycling park with
interpretive trails and vistas that commemorate Lewis and Clark's
Corps of Discovery Encampment in the area.
GPS Coordinates:
45 ° 55. 25 N
111 ° 30. 07 W
Call: 406-994-4042

image "Confluence of the Madison and Jefferson Rivers,
Missouri Headwaters State Park, Montana"
by Brent Phelps
Lewis and Clark named the three rivers which
combine to form the Missouri
(Jefferson, Gallatin, and Madison rivers).
July 28, 1805:
"both Capt. Clark and myself corrisponded in
opinion with rispect to the impropriety of calling either of these streams
the Missouri and accordingly agreed to name them after the President of
the United States and the Secretaries of the Treasury and state having
previously named one river in honour of the Secretaries of War and
Navy. In pursuance of this resolution we called the S.W. fork, that
which meant to ascend , Jefferson's River in honor of Thomas
Jefferson. the Middle fork we called Madison's River in honor of
James Madison and the S.E. Fork we called Gallitin's River in honor of
Albert Gallitin. the first two are 90 yards wide and the last is 70
yards. all of them with great valocity and thow out large bodies of
water" Captain Lewis
Lewis & Clark Caverns
State Park |
The area of Lewis and
Clark Caverns State Park was passed by the Lewis and Clark
Expedition on their way up the Jefferson River. Several Lewis and
Clark campsites are nearby and accessible by canoers. The
scenic river canyon cuts through the foothills of the Tobacco Root
Mountains emerging into the Gallatin Valley, which is surrounded by
four mountain ranges.
Although named after "Lewis and Clark" the Caverns were an
undiscovered jewel until 1892.
Bozeman is the nearest large city, while Three Forks is closest
hub of services and recreation.
More information call:
Lewis And Clark Caverns State Park (state park), Montana, United States