All the excitement and adventure of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition is here, as well as portrayals of its many scientific and social contributions.
& York along with 10 others, arrived at Cape Disappointment on November
18, 1805. Clark wrote in his journal "men appear much satisfied
with their trip beholding with astonishment the high waves dashing
against the rock and this 'emence Ocian'."
In 1788, English explorer Captain John Meares, in seeking the
Columbia River, recorded missing the passage over the bar, and in his discouragement named
the nearby headland Cape Disappointment.
The Cape Disappointment Lighthouse began operating in 1856, and
is now the oldest lighthouse still in use on the West Coast.
Among the possessions
Gass left to his children was a razor box carved by Sacagawea, the
hatchet and the family bible he carried on the expedition.
All are on
display at this Interpretive Center. |