Clark and party are reunited: "Set out with the Chief & his son... I found Capt Lewis & party encamped much fatigued & hungrey, much rejoiced to find something to eate of which they appeared to partake plentifull. I cautioned them of the Consequences of eateing too much." Clark " ... the pleasure I now felt in having tryumphed over the rocky Mountains and decending once more to a level and fertile country where there was every rational hope of finding a comfortable subsistence for myself and party can be more readily conceived than expressed, nor was the flattering prospect of the final success of the expedition less pleasing." Lewis
September 23, 1805 (Camped at another Nez Perce Village nearby, about one mile southwest of Weippe, Idaho) Lewis and Clark assemble Nez Perce Chiefs and warriors to explain where they came from and their intentions: "We assembled the principal Men as well as the Chiefs and by Signs informed them where we came from where bound our wish to inculate peace and good understanding between all the red people."
The party travels to Twisted Hair’s fishing camp where Captain Clark administers "Rushes Thunderbolts" to the sick: " Capt Lewis scercely able to ride on a jentle horse which was furnishd by the Chief, Several men so unwell*that they were compelled to lie on the Side of the road for some time." unwell*-Presumably the result of the change in diet. September 25, 1805 (Party camps about a mile above Orofino, Idaho) " Capt Lewis verry sick, Several men also verry Sick, I gave some salts & tarter emetic, we deturmined to go to where the best timbr was and there form a camp." Captain Clark September 26, 1805 (Party camps about 5 miles west of Orofino, Idaho – Canoe Camp) Proceeding on five miles, the Corps encamp along the river bank where they begin building canoes: " two Chiefs & their families follow us and encamp near us, they have great numbers of horses. Commence building canoes tomorrow." Captain Clark