Map PDF 1008
May 14, 1804
"Set out from camp River a Dubois at 4 oClock PM and proceed up
the Missouris under Sail to the first Island in the Missouri and
Camped on the upper point opposit a Creek on the South Side
below a ledge of limestone rock called Colewater*
made 4 1/2 miles, the party consited of 2, Self one
frenchman and 22 men in the boat of 20 ores, 1 Serjt. & 7 french
in a large Perogue, a Corp and 6 soldiers in a large Perogue,
men in high spirits . I determined to go as far as St.
Charles a french village 7 Leags.*** up the Missourie,
and wait at that place untill Cap. Lewis Could finish the
business in which he was obliged to attend to at St. Louis and
join me by land from that place 24 miles; by this movement I
calculated that if any alterations in the loading of the Vestles
or other changes necessary, that they might be made at St.
Charles." Clark
Colewater* - Probably the St. Louis limestone of
middle Mississippian age.
7 Leags** - A league is a variable measure of about
three miles. That must have been Clark's usage since
mileage tables show St. Charles as being twenty-one miles above
St. Louis.
May 15, 1804
"It rained during the greater part of last night and continued
untill 7 Ock, AM after which the Party proceeded, passed
two Islands* and incamped on the Stard. shore at Mr.
Pipers' landing ** oppostie an Island. the boat run on
Logs three times to day, owning her being too heavyly loaded a
sturn." Clark
two Islands* - One of the two islands may be Pelican
Mr. Pipers' landing ** - Probably James Piper, who was
in Missouri by 1798 and owned land in the St. Charles district
on the Missouri River.
May 16, 1804
"we arrived opposit St. Charles* at 12 oClock ,
this Village is at the foot of a Hill from which it takes its
real name Peeteite Coete or the little hill, it contains about
100 indefferent houses, and abot 450 Inhabetents principally
frinch. Dined with the Comdr ** & Mr.
Ducetts family *** this gentleman was once a merchant
from Canadia from misfortunes aded to the loss of a Cargo Sold
to the late Judge Turner**** he has become somewhat
St. Charles* - St Charles was the earliest white
settlement west of the Mississippi and north of the Missouri.
As Clark notes, the place was first called Les Petites Cotes
(the Little Hills). In 1887, Auguste Chouteau surveyed the
settlement, and soon after the district of St. Charles was
established. The parish Church, and hence the settlement,
was named for St. Charles Borromeo. TO the Spanish it was
San Carlos del Misuri. By the time of the Louisiana
Purchase, the French inhabitants of the town were surrounded by
American settlers in the countryside, including Daniel Boone and
his family who had settled in the area in the late 1790's.
Comdr **- The commandant at St. Charles was Charles,
or Don Carlos, Tayon, of French-Canadian extraction and one of
the original settlers of St. Louis. He entered the Spanish
military service in 1770, fought the British and their Indian
allies in the Revolutionary War, and as a reward was given a
regular rank as a sublieutenant. He became commandant at
St. Charles in 1793.
Mr. Ducetts family *** - Francois Duquette, a
Canadian, after residing for a time at Ste. Genevieve, came to
St. Charles in 1796. He set up a windmill for
grinding grain and was one of the little community's most
prosperous citizens before the misfortune Clark alludes to.
Judge Turner**** - George Turner was a federal
judge in the Northwest Territory, his circuit including
Kaskaskia, in the 1790's.
May 17, 1804
"3 men confined for misconduct, I had a Court martial*&
punishment. som aplicasions**. Clark
Court martial* - The first Court-martial;
Hall, Werner & Collins.
som aplicasions** - Perhaps applications to join the
May 18, 1804
"had the Boat & pierogue reloded so as to cause them to be heavyer in bow than
asturn. receved of Mr. Lyon* 136
lb. tobacco on act of Mr. Choteau**. Gave out tin
Cups & 3 knives to the French hands. I sent George Drewyer
with Mr. Lauriesmus*** to St Louis & wrote to Cap
Lewis. Two Keel Boats arrive from Kentucky to day loaded
with whiskey Hats . " Clark
Mr. Lyon* - Probably Matthew Lyon, who at this
period was a resident of Kentucky and had a contract for army
supplies. An Irish immigrant, Lyon gained fame in the
1790's as a Republican congressman and journalist from Vermont
who stoutly opposed the Federalists, President John Adams, and
the Alien and Sedition Acts, even to the point of going to jail.
Mr. Choteau** - Both Auguste and Pierre Chouteau
were later reimbursed for expenditures of about this date.
Lewis's Account (August 5, 1807).
Mr. Lauriesmus***- Louis Lorimier was born near
Montreal. He and his father established "Laramie's
Station" to trade with the Indians in Ohio. As a Loyalist
during the Revolutionary War, Lorimier led raiding parties of
Indians into Kentucky; George Rogers Clark burned Lorimier's
establishment as an enemy base in 1782. Within a few years
he had moved to Spanish Louisiana and received a large land
grant to establish a settlement for Indians, partly as a defense
against possible American invasion. In spite of
these indications of anti-American attitudes, he became an
Indian agent for the United States after the Louisiana Purchase.
May 19, 1806
"A violent wind last night accompanied with rain.
Cleared away this monr'g at 8 oClock, I am invited to a
ball in the Village, let several of the men go.
George Drewyer return from St Louis and brought 99 dollars, he
lost a letter from Cap Lewis to me, Seven Ladies visit me to
day." Clark
May 20, 1804
"Set forward to that village in order to join my friend
companion and fellow labourer Capt. William Clark, who had
previously arrived at that place with the party destined for the
discovery of the interior of the continent of North America."
" The letter George lost yesterday found by a Country
man, I gave the party leave to go to and hear a Sermon to
day delivered by a roman Carthlick Priest. Capt
Lewis and Several Gentlemen arrive from St Louis thro a violent Shoure of rain." Clark