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October 21, 1804 (Camped in or somewhat above Mandan, Morton County, North Dakota) "at Daylight it began to snow ... Weather cold… came to the ruins of a second Mandan village, which is now covered with buffalo. Nearly opposite are remains of a third village and another about two miles further. " October 22, 1804 (Camped in Oliver County, North Dakota, near the Oliver-Morton county line) "we passed a War party of Tetons on their way as we supposed to the Mandans of 12 men. we gave them nothing and refused to put them across the river, passed the upper of the 6 villages the Mandans occupied about 25 years ago this village* was entirely cut off by the Sioux & one of the others nearly, the Small Pox distroyed great numbers" village*- Double Ditch site, Burleigh County, North Dakota October 23, 1804 "the country consists as usual of timbered low grounds, with grapes, rushes, and great quantities of a small red acid fruit, known among the Indians as rabbit-berries. After making thirteen miles we encamped. " October 24, 1804 (Camped about two miles below Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota) "we have seen no game on the river today - a proof of the Indians hunting in the neighbourhood. passed a Island & on this island we Saw one of the Grand Chiefs of the Mandins, with five Lodges hunting, this Chief met with the Chief of the Ricares who accompanied us with great cordiallity & serimony Smoked the pipe." October 25, 1804 (Camped in Oliver County, North Dakota, south of the Mercer-Oliver county line) "Several parties of Mandans rode to the river to view us indeed they are continuelly in Sight Satisfying their Curiossities as to our apperance. we are told that the Seaux has latterly fallen in with & stole the horse of the Big Belley*, on their way home they fell in with the Ossiniboin** who killed them and took the horses. Several Indians come to see us this evening, amongst others the Sun of the late great Cheif of the Mandans, this man has his two little fingers off; on inqureing the cause, was told it was Customary for this nation to Show their great by some testimony of pain, and that it was not uncommon for them to take off 2 smaller fingers of the hand and some times more with ther marks of Savage affection... " Big Belley*- Hidatsa Indians, also called Minitaris and Gros Ventres Ossiniboin** - Assiniboine Indians October 26, 1804 (Camped south of Stanton, Mercer County, North Dakota) "saw numbers of Mandins on Shore, we set the Ricare Chief on Shore and we proceeded on to the Camp of two of their Grand Chiefs, we proceeded on takeing two of their Chiefs on board & some of the heavy articles of his house hold, such as earthen pots & corn, proceeded on… the Indians continued on the banks all day." October 27, 1804 (Camped opposite of Stanton, Mercer County, North Dakota) "came too at the village situated on an eminance of about 50 feet above the Water in a handsom plain it contains houses in a kind of Picket work, the houses are round and verry large containg several families, as also their horses which is tied on one side of the enterrance, I walked up & smoked a pipe with the Chiefs of the Village… returned to the boat. Passed the 2nd Village and camped opsd. We met with a frenchman by the name of Jessomme * which we imploy as an interpeter. We procured information of Mr. Jessomme of the Chiefs of the different Nations." *Rene’ Jessaume, hired as a Mandan interpreter. He had been coming to the village for more than 10 years, sometimes as an engage’ of the North West Company or the Hudson’s Bay Company.