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From the Journals of
Lewis and Clark



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1804 Journal Entry Archives  August 11 - 17, 1804 

Timeline & Map PDF  720 KB

August 11, 1804 - Blackbird Hill

August 12, 1804

"We set out early .... In the evening about 5 oClock Cap L. & My self wen on Shore to Shoot a Prairie wolf* which was barking at us as we passed  This Prairie Wolf barked like a large feist and is not much larger.  The musketoes last night were the worse than I ever experienced.  beaver is verry plenty on this part of the river. "   Clark

Prairie wolf* - A coyote

August 13, 1804 ( Camped a few miles south of Dakota City, Nebraska, or opposite in Woodbury County, Iowa.  The Party's Fish Camp)

"  passed the Island to a Willow Isd on S. point and opsd. to which Mr. Mackey had a small fort in which he traded withe the Mahars the winter 95 & 96 & call the place Fort Charles*. .. passed a Creek on which the Mahar village** is Situated.  formed a Camp on the Sand*** & Dispatched Sergt. Ordeway Peter Crusatt, George Shannon. Werner & Carrn. To the Mahar Village with a flag & some tobacco to envite the Nation to see & talk with us."  Clark

Fort Charles*-MacKay established this post, named for the reigning king of Spain, Charles IV, in November 1795, and wintered there.  From here his companion, Evans, made his journey up the Missouri to the Mandan villages.  This site was in Dakota County, Nebraska, southeast of Homer and south of Omaha Creek, but has not been discovered by researchers. 

Mahar village** - This is perhaps the best-known Omaha village.  It was called "Big Village," or Tonwontonga.  It is in Dakota County, about one mile north of present Homer and six and a half miles south of Dakota City, on or near US Highway 77.

Camp on the Sand*** - In either Dakota County, Nebraska, or Woodbury County, Iowa, and a few miles south of present Dakota City.

August 14, 1804 - (Remained at Fish Camp)

"at about 12 oclock the party returned and informed us that they could not find the Indians, those people continue in purseute of the Buffalow longer than others who has greater attachments to their native village. The ravages of the Small Pox (which swept off 400 men & Women & children) has reduced this nation not exceeding 300 men and left them to the insults of their weaker neighbors."   Clark

August 15, 1804 - (Remained at Fish Camp)

"sent Mr. Durione the Souix interpeter & three men to examine a fire which threw up an emence Smoke from the Prairies. The Object of this party was to find Some Bands of Seoux. In the evening this Party returned and informed us that the fire which had been left burning by a small party of Seoux, who had passed Several days ago.
 Cought 318 fish of different kind I'e Peke (Pike), Bass, Salmon (Mooneye or Goldeye), perch, re horse, small cat (Channel catfish), and a kind of perch called Silverfish ( Freshwater drum), on the Ohio.  I couth a Srimp (Crayfish). "   Clark

August 16, 1804 - (Remained at Fish Camp)

" Caught upwards of 800 fine fish: 79 pike, 8 salmon resembling trout (8 fish resembling salmon trout), 1 rock, 1 flat back, 127 buffalo and red horse, 4 bass, and 490 cats, with many small silver fish and shrimp."   Clark

August 17, 1804 - (Remained at Fish Camp)

"Set the prairies on fire to bring the Mahars & Soues if any were near, this being the useal Signal.  Late this evening one of the party Sent after the deserters returned & joined us, he left the party 3 miles back, they cought both deserters, M B Reed and one of them La liberty, got away from them."   Clark


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