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Lewis and Clark Trail "Re-live the Adventure"

From the Journals of
Lewis and Clark



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Journal Entry Archives
<May 14 - 20, 1804
<May 21 - 26, 1804
<May 27 - 31, 1804
<June 1 - 7, 1804
<June 8 - 11, 1804
<June 12 - 17, 1804
<June 18 - 24, 1804
<June 25 - 28, 1804
<June 29 - July 3, 1804
<July 4 - 10, 1804
<July 11 - 13, 1804
<July 14 - 21, 1804
<July 22 - 27, 1804
<July 28 - August 3, 1804
<August 4 - 10, 1804
< August 11 - 17, 1804
<August 18 - 20, 1804
<August 21 - 26, 1804
<August 27 - 31, 1804
<September 1 - 7, 1804
<September 8 - 11, 1804
<September 12 - 18, 1804
<September 19 - 26, 1804
<September 27 - 30, 1804
<October 1 - 7, 1804
<October 8 - 13, 1804
<October 14 - 20, 1804
<October 21 - 27, 1804
<October 28 - November 1, 1804
<November 2 - 6 , 1804
<November 7 - 14 , 1804
<November 15 - 25 , 1804
(You are Here)
<November 26 - December 3, 1804
<December 4 - 11, 1804
<December 12 - 18, 1804
<December 19 - 25, 1804
<December 26 - 31, 1804
 1805 Journal Entry Archives
 1806 Journal Entry Archives
1804 Journal Entry Archives  November 15 - 25, 1804 
Building Fort Mandan

November 15, 1804

"Ice running thicker than yesterday. The man came back with information that our hunters were about thirty miles below, and we immediately sent an order to them to make their way through the floating ice. The serimoney of yesterday seem to continue still for we were not visited by a single Indian."

November 16, 1804

"a verry white frost all the trees all covered with ice, all the men move into the huts which is not finishd. The Ossiniboins is at the Big Bellie Camp, some trouble like to take place between them from the loss of horses. Men imployed untill late in daubing* their huts. Some horses sent down to stay in the woods near the fort, to prevent the Ossiboins Steeling them."

daubing* their huts- to smear clay over the chinking ( spaces between the logs) to keep out the wind and cold.

November 17, 1804

"Last night verry cold. We are totally occupied with our huts, but received visits from several Indians."

November 18, 1804

"the Black Cat, came to see us, he made great inquiries respecting our fashions, he also stated the situation of their nation, he mentioned that a Council had been held the day before and it was thought advisable to put up with the resent insults of the Ossiniboins & Crees untill they were convinced that what had been told them by us, Mr Evins* had deceived them and we might also, he promised to return and furnish them with guns & amuntion. We advised them to remain at peace & that they might depend upon getting supplies through the Channel of the Missourie, but it required time to put the trade in operation."

Mr Evins* - John Evans, young man from Wales, was an employee of James Mackay. He had made the most formidable effort before Lewis & Clark to explore the Upper Missouri. The expedition was using a copy of his drawn map, which was sent to Lewis by Jefferson. Note the concern of Lewis and Clark to get trade of the villages into American hands. The Indians are saying that they hope the Americans will keep their promise for supplies, however they had believed John Evans and he did not keep his promise.

November 19, 1804

"Our hunters arrived from their excursion below, bring a verry fine supply of thirty two deer, eleven elk, and five buffalo."

November 20, 1804

"Cap Lewis & my Self move into our hut. Several Indians came down to eat fresh meat, three Chiefs from the 2d. Mandan Village Stay all day. They are verry Curious in examining our works."

November 21, 1804

"The villages near which we are established are five in number. The first in an open plain contains about forty or fifty lodges, the second the same number and both rais about three hundred and fifty men. At the distance of four miles from the lower Mandan village at the mouth of Knife river is another Mahaha. On the south side of the same Knife river is a village of Minnetares who are about one hundred and fifty men. On the oposite side of Knife river above this village is a second Minnetares who are considerd as the proper Minnetare nation, contains four hundred and fifty warriors. The inhabitants of these five villages live in harmony with each other."

November 22, 1804

"I was allarmed about 10 oClock by the Sentinal, who informed that an Indian was about to kill his wife in the interpeters fire about 60 yards below the works, I went down and spoke to the fellow about the rash act which he was like to commit and forbid any act of the kind near the fort."

November 23, 1804

"Fair and warm day, we are occupied in finishing our huts."

November 24, 1804

"we are occupied finishing our huts and making a large rope of elk-skin to draw our boat on the bank"

November 25, 1804

Captain Lewis, 2 interpreters along with 6 men set out to see the Indians in the villages; while the others continued working on the huts.

" A Minnetarre chief (the first to visit) came down to the fort as both interpreters had left with Captain Lewis, we gave him presents which he was much pleased."

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