![]() June 1, 1804 "Set out early ... some swift water and banks falling in. Wind a head from the West" Clark June 2, 1804 "Took the directions of Son & Moon. I measured the Osage &
Missouris at this place made ther width as follows, the Missoure 875
yd. wide The Osage R 397 yds. wide, the distance between the 2
rivers 80 poles up is 40 ps. (poles?) Took equal altitued & Mredian
altitude also - I assended the hill in the point 80 ps. from the
pt. found it about 100 foot high, on the top is 2 graves, or mouns*,
a Delightfull prospect from this hill which Comds. both rivers. mouns* - Five mounds are known on the high point of land north of modern Osage City, in two groups; one of the three mounds, and one of the two, the latter on the extreme eastern part of the point. Clark undoubtedly saw the group of two. Many prehistoric, Middle to Late Woodland earthen burial mounds dating to the first millennium A.D. and a little later are found along the Missouri River bluffs in central and western Missouri. June 3, 1804 "the fore part of the day fair I attempted to take equal alltitudes & Meridina Altitudes, but was disapointed, the clouds obsured the Sun. Capt Lewis & George Drewyer went out & killed a deer, We set out at 5oClock PM Cloudy & rain, passed the mouth of a Creek, I call Cupboard Creek*, mouths behind a rock which projects into the river, Camped in the mouth of the creek I saw much fresh Signs of Indians... am tormented with musquetors & small ticks." Clark Cupboard Creek* - Apparently Rising Creek, in Cole County, some two miles east of the mouth of Moreau River. June 4, 1804 "a fair day three men out on the right flank passed a large island called Seeder Island*, this Isd. has a great deel of Cedar on it. passed a small Creek which we named Nightingdale Creek from a bird**of that discription which sang for us all last night, and is the first of the kind I ever heard. passed a Creek abt. 15 yds. wide Mast Creek ***, here the Sergt. at the helm run under a bending Tree & broke the mast. I got out & walked on thro a Charming Botom of rich land about one mile then I assended a hill of about 170 foot on the top of which is a Moun**** and about 100 acres of Land of Dead timber on this hill one fo the party says he has found Lead ore***** a verry extensive Cave under this hill next the river, the Land on the top is fine, this is a very bad part of the river." Clark Seeder Island* - The island retained the name Cedar Island; it lay nearly opposite Jefferson City, Missouri at present Cedar City. The "seeder" is eastern red cedar. bird** - There is no true nightingale in America. The cardinal was sometimes called the Virginia nightingale, but this bird would have been familiar to the captains. The same objection applies to the mockingbird which has also been suggested. Paul Johnsgard suggests that it might be the whip-poor-will. In the weather remarks on June 11, the "whiperwill" is named. Perhaps Lewis recognized the bird and made the weather observation, while Clark was unfamiliar with the species and used the term nightingale; or perhaps nightingale was a common name at the time for the whip-poor-will. One final possibility is the hermit thrush. Mast Creek *** - Evidently later Grays Creek, in Cole County Moun**** - Probably the same group of mounds noted on June 2 Lead ore***** - This area is within the central Missouri
lead - zinc region, and galena (lead ore) has been reported not only from
the Jefferson City (Ordovician) limestone and all lower formations, but even
from some of the coal beds of the area. June 5, 1804 "Jurked* the Vennison Killed yesterday, after Seting over the
Scouting Party or hunder of 3 men set out at 6 oClock passed a Creek I
call Lead C** passed one called good-womans Creek***.
a butifull Prarie approaching neat the river above Lead C & extends to the
Mine River **** in a westerly derection, passed the Mouth of
the Creek of the Big Jurked* - Jerking was done by cutting meat into very thin trips and drying it in the sun. The finished product was commonly used as a travel ration by Indians, trappers, and frontiersmen in general. "Jerky" comes from the Spanish charqui, itself derived from a Quechua Indian word. Lead C** - Perhaps either Rock Creek or Mud Creek, in Cole County good-womans Creek*** - Bonne Femme Creek, in Boone County, Missouri Mine River **** - Lamine River, in Cooper County, Missouri Big Rock ***** Possibly either Rock Creek or Mud Creek, in Cole County, Missouri Manitou a Painting****** - Manitou is a French version of an Algonquin word for spirit. Though several faint images are still present, the petroglyphs noted by Lewis & Clark are no longer visible, most likely blasted away by the railroad during construction of the MK&T Railroad. a large island****** - Perhaps the later Ville Monteau Island. Spis******* - "Spy" on the frontier was virtually synonymous with "scout" altogether******** - In Boone County, in the neighborhood of the
later town of Sandy Hook on the opposite shore. "Altogether" may mean
that they kept the camp compact because of the report of the war party. June 6, 1804 "Mended our mast this morning and set out at 7 oClock, under a Jentle Braise from the S, E by S. Passed Saline Creek* on the south side. Some buffalow sign to day**" Creek* - Petite Saline Creek, so called from salt deposits in the vicinity enters the Missouri River in northwest Moniteau County, Missouri. buffalow sign to day** - The first mention of the buffalo, Bison, in the journal. They did not actually shoot one until August 23, 1804. June 7, 1804 "Several Courious paintings and carving on the projecting rock* of Limestone inlade with white red & blue flint**, of verry good quallity, the Indians have taken of this flint great quantities. We landed at this Inscription and found it a Den of Rattle Snakes***. our hunters brought in three Bear this evening. " Clark projecting rock* - Clark's journal drawings include Manitou, Buffalo, and Indian on a rock that were visible from Moniteau Creek. white red & blue flint** - The lower Mississippian rocks (Pierson, Fern Glen, Reeds Spring, Grand Falls, Burlington, and Keokuk formations) of central Missouri are noted for their chert (flint) content. Some are mottled and colorful. Pierson cherts are red to brown; those of Fern Glen are grayish green and Reeds Springs are black; most of the remainder are cream to light gray. Den of Rattle Snakes*** - Probably the timber rattler. |