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Lewis and Clark Trail "Re-live the Adventure"

From the Journals of
Lewis and Clark



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1804 Journal Entry Archives  June 29 - July 3 , 1804
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June 29, 1804 - Camped in the vicinity of Riverside, Platte County, Missouri

"A court martiall will set this day at 11 oClock for the trial of John Collins and Hugh Hall. John Collins charged with getting drunk on his post this morning out of whiskey put under his charge as a Sentinal, and for suffering Hugh Hall to draw whiskey out of the said barrel intended for the party. Hugh Hall was charged with takeing whiskey out of a keg.  The Court convenved ... The Court finds prisoners guilty.... punishment take place at half past three this evening.   Inflicting a little punishment to two men we Set out at 1/2 past 4 oClock and procced on.  passed a large island oposit a large sand bar, the Boat turned and was within six Inches of Strikeing  the rapidity with which the Boat turned was so great that if her bow had struck the Snag, she must have either turned over or the bow nocked off. "   Clark

June 30, 1804- Camped near Walcott, Wyandotte County, Kansas

"Set out verry early this Morng  Saw a large wolf* on the sand bar this morning walking near a gange of Turkeys at 10 miles above the Kansis passed the mouth of a  small river called by the  french Petite River Platt or little Shole river **.    here we opened the bag of bread given us which we found verry good, our bacon which was given us we examined and found sound and good.  Some of that purchased in the Illinois Spoiled, I found a relish of this bacon this morning was verry agreeable, Deer to be seen in every direction and their tracks are as pleanty as Hogs about a farm.  Killed 9 deer to day.  Broke our mast."  Clark

large wolf* - Presumably a gray wolf

little Shole river **. - The Platte or Little Platte in Platte County, Missouri

July 1, 1804 - Camped opposite Leavenworth, Kansas

" last night one of the Sentinals challenged either a man or beast, which run off, all prepared for action.  Set out at five in the morning,   a verry warm day.  came to above this Drift and delayed three hours to refresh the men who were verry much over powered with the heat,  Great quantity of Grapes & raspberries,  turkeys are plenty on the shore.   party all in helth except Boils."   Clark

July 2, 1804 - Camped near Weston, Platte County, Missouri

" Set out verry early this morning   continued our voyage, and met with a quantity of driftwood  it was dangerous to cross  this I suppose was from the caveing in of the banks at the head of some Island above,  passed a verry bad sand bar.  the 20 Oars & Poals could with much dificuelty Stem and Current, passed a large Island on the SS Called by the Inds. Wau-car-ba-war-con-da or the Bear Medison Island*,  at 12 oClock came to on the Island and put in a mast, detained four hours, exceedingly hot, wind in forepart of the day from the SE.   Encamped opposite an old French village** and fort, but all vacant."   Clark

Bear Medison Island* - Wasabe Wakandege Island, evidently later Kickapo Island, north of Fort Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas.

French village**- Fort de Cavagnial, or Cavagnolle, named after the French governor of Louisiana, was founded in 1744 and  abandoned in 1764, when Louisiana was transferred from France to Spain.  It was built to control the trade with the Kansa and Osage Indians and perhaps to promote trade with the Spanish in New Mexico.   It was located in Leavenworth County, Kansas, perhaps three miles north of present Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

July 3, 1804- Camped in Atchison County, Kansas, somewhat above the present town of Oak Mills.

"proceeded again, found a verry fat horse, which appears to have been lost a long time...  Sent him on to join the others which was ahead on the LS at this place,  the french had a tradeing house, for to trade with the Kanzes on a high bottom on the LS near the hills which is Prairie  proceeded on round a large Sand bar & camped. "  Clark

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