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September 1, 1806 "about two miles below the Quicurre (Niobrara River), 9 Indians ran down the bank and beckened to us to land, they appeared to be a war party, and I took them to be Tetons and paid no attention to them further than an enquirey to what tribe they belonged, they did not give any answer, I prosume they did not understand the man who spoke to them as he spoke but little of their language. as one canoe was yet behind we landed in an open commnading situtaion out of sight of the indians deturmined to delay untill they came up. about 15 minuts after we had landed several guns fired by the indians, which we expected was at the three men behind. I calld out 15 men and ran up with a fill deturmination to cover them if possible let the number of indians be what they might. Capt. Lewis hobled up on the bank and formed the remained of the party in a situation well calculated to defend themselves and the canoes. when I had proceeded to the point about 250 yards I discoverd the canoe about 1 mile above the indians where we had left them. I then walked on the sand beech and the indians came down to meet me I gave them my hand and enquired of them what they were shooting at, they informed me that they were shooting at an old keg. they inform me they were Yanktons. " September 2, 1806 "At eight o'clock we passed the river Jacques ( James River), but soon after were compelled to land, in consequnes of the high wind from the northeast, and remain till sunset; after which we went on to a sandbar twenty two miles from our camp of last evening. " September 3, 1806 (Camped at an undetermined spot in either Union County, South Dakota, or Dakota County, Nebraska, several miles north of Sioux City, Iowa) "I landed & was met by a Mr. James Airs* from Mackanaw,
who has a Licence to trade for one year with the Sieoux ... our
first enquirey was after the President of our country and then our
friends and the State of the politicks of our country &c. and the
State [of] Indian affairs to all of which enquireys Mr. Aires gave
us as Satisfactory information as he had it in his power to have
collected in the Illinois which was not a great deel. ... this
Gentleman informed us of maney changes & misfortunes which had
taken place in the Illinois amongst others the loss of Mr Cady
Choteaus house and furniture by fire**. ... he also
informed us that Genl. Wilkinson was the governor of the Louisiana
and at St. Louis. 300 of the american Troops had been contuned on
the Missouri a fiew miles above it's mouth, Some disturbance with
the Spaniards in the Nackatosh [Natchitoches] Country is the cause
of their being called down to that country, the Spaniards had
taken one of the U. States frigates in the Mediteranean, Two
British Ships of the line had fired on an American Ship in the
port of New York, and killed the Capts. brother ***. 2
Indians had been hung in St. Louis for murder and several others
in jale****. and that Mr. Burr & Genl. Hambleton fought a
Duel, the latter was killed*****." Mr. James Airs*- James Aird, a trader out of Mackinac
and Prarie du Chien, Wisconsin, was employed by Robert Dickson.
September 4, 1806 (Camped in either Woodbury County, Iowa, or Dakota County, Nebraska, at the party's Fish Camp of August 13, 1804) "as we were in want of some tobacco I purposed to Mr. Airs to
furnish us with 4 carrots for which we would Pay the amount to any
Merchant of St. Louis he very readily agreed to furnish us with
tobacco and gave to each man as much as it is necessary for them
to use between this and St. Louis, an instance of Generossity for
which every man of the party appears to acknowledge. Mr. Airs also
insisted on our accepting a barrel of flour. ... The flower was
very acceptable to us we have yet a little flour part of what we
carried up from the Illinois as high as Maria's river and buried
it there untill our return &c. ...we came too at Floyds Bluff
below the Enterance of Floyds river and assended the hill, with
Capt. Lewis and Several men, found the grave had been opened by
the nativs and left half covered*. we had this grave
completely filled up, and returned to the canoes and proceeded on
." half covered*- The grave of Charles Floyd who died on August 20, 1804 September 5, 1806 (Camped south of Decatur, Nebraska) "Capt. Lewis still in a convelesent state." September 6, 1806 (Camped between the Little Sioux and Soldier Rivers, in either Burt of Washington County, Nebraska, or Harrison County, Iowa "we met a tradeing boat of Mr. Og. Choteaux [Auguste Chouteau]
of St. Louis bound to the River Jacque to trade with the Yanktons,
this boat was in care of a Mr. Henry Delorn *, he had
exposed all his loading and sent out five of his hands to hunt ...
we purchased a gallon of whiskey of this man (promised to pay
Choteau who would not receive any pay) and gave to each man of the
party a dram which is the first spiritious licquor which had been
tasted by any of them since the
4 of July 1805. several of the party exchanged leather for
linen Shirts and beaver for corse hats. ... " Mr. Henry Delorn *- "Delorn" could be any of several St. Louis traders with similar names with connections to Ren'e Auguste Chouteau. September 7, 1806 "we proceeded on with s Stiff Breeze ahead. the evaperation on this portion of the Missouri has been noticed as we assended this river, and it now appears to be greater than it was at that time. I am obliged to replenish my ink stand every day with fresh ink at least 9/10 of which must evaperate. we came 44 miles to day only."