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April 6, 1806 "This morning we had the dryed meat secured in skins and the canoes loaded; we took breakfast and departed at 9 AM. we continued up the N. side of the river ... we met with our hunters. they had killed three Elk this morning and wounded two others so badly that they expected to get them. we therefore determined to encamp for the evening at this place in order to dry the meat. four Indians from the great rapids visited us to day and continued all day. they give the same account of the scercity of provisions above the falls as has already been given by others. This supply of Elk I think by useing economey and in addition of roots and dogs which we may probably precure form the Nativs on Lewis's river will be sufficient to last us to the Chopunnish* where we shall meet with our horse -" Chopunnish* - Nez Perce April 7, 1806 "The day has been fair and weather exceedingly pleasent. we made our men exercise themselves in Shooitng and regulateing their guns, found several of them that had their sights moved by accident, and others that wanted some little alterations all which were compleated rectified in the Course of the day except my Small rifle, which I found wanted cutting out*." cutting out*- Apparently the rifling of Clark's small-bore, Kentucky-style hunting rifle had worn down and needed re-boring. Most of John Shield's tools had been cached at the Marias River, but he managed the job to Clark's satisfaction. April 8, 1806 "This morning about daylight I heard a considerable roreing like wind at a distance and in the Course of a short time wavs rose very high which appeared to come across the river and in the Course of an hour became so high that we were obliged to unload the canoes, at 7 oClock AM the winds suelded and blew so hard and raised the Waves so emensely high from the N.E. and tossed our Canoes against the Shore in Such a manner as to render it necessary to haul them up on the bank. finding form the appearance of the winds that it is probably that we may be detained all day. John Shields Cut out my Small rifle & brought hir to Shoot very well. the party ows much to the injenuity of this man, by whome their guns are repared when they get out of order which is very often." April 9, 1806 "This morning early we commenced the operation of reloading our canoes; at 7 AM we departed and proceeded on to the Camp of Reubin and Joseph Fields they had not killed any game; we made no halt at this place but continued our rout to the Wah-clel-lah Village* which is situated on the North side of the river about a mile below the beacon rock; here we halted and took breakfast... passed several beautifull cascades which fell from a great hight over the stupendious rocks which cloles the river on both sides nearly, the most remarkable of these casscades falls about 300 feet perpendicularly over a solid rock into a narrow bottom of the river on the south side**. .. sought a safe harbour in this narrow channel and encamped on the main shore." Wah-clel-lah Village* - Probably the Upper Chinookan-language people known as the Watlalas. south side** - Either Multnomah Falls, formed by Multnomah Creek, or Horsetail Falls, formed by Horsetail Creek. "We set out early and droped down the channel to the lower end of brant Island from whence we drew them up the rapid by a cord about a quarter of a mile which we soon performed ... in passing the river which is about 400 yds. wide the rapidity of the currant was such that it boar us down a considerable distance notwithstanding we employed five oars. at ten oclock Sergt. Pryor and Gibson joined us with Collins who had killed 3 deer. we set out and continued our rout up the N. side of the river with great difficulty in consequence of the rapidity of the current and the large rocks which form this shore; the south side of the river is impassable. as we had but one sufficient toerope and were obliged to emply the cord in getting on our canoes the greater part of the way we could only take them one at a time which retarded our progress very much. by evening we arrived at the portage on the North side where we landed and conveyed our baggage to the top of the hill about 200 paces distant where we formed a camp." April 11, 1806"As
the tents and skins which covered both our men and baggage were
wet with the rain which fell last evening, and as it continued
still raining this morning we concluded to take our canoes first
to the head of the rapids, hoping that by evening the rain would
cease and afford us a fair afternoon to take our baggage over
the portage. this portage is two thousand eight hundred
yards along a narrow rough and slipery road. by evening
Capt. C. took 4 canoes above the rapids tho' with much
difficulty and labour. the canoes were much damaged by being driven
against the rocks in dispite of every precaution which could be taken to
prevent. The men complained of being much fatiegued in the evening that we
posponed taking up our 5th canoe untill tomorrow. These rapids
are much worse than they were in the fall when we passed them... three of
tribe the Wah-clel-lars, stole
my dog this evening, and took him towards their village,
I was shortly afterwards informed of this transaction by an
indian who spoke the Clatsop language, sent three men in pursuit
of the theives."